Invite Us to Speak
If you are interested in having us come and speak at your Church or Congregation we offer a variety of different presentations:
Messiah in the Passover
is a 45-minute visual presentation and explanation of the traditional items of the Passover Seder. Experience how Jewish people celebrate this special holiday, how Jesus celebrated it, and how He is beautifully pictured in the Passover service. Messiah in the Passover emphasizes the connections between the Old and New Testaments and the Jewish roots of the Last Supper and Christian Communion. Help your church better understand why “Christ our Passover” took the “cup after supper” and the unleavened bread and said, “this is my body … this cup is the New Covenant in my blood.” This presentation will educate and enlighten your church as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Messiah Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
Perhaps your church would like to experience a full Passover Seder, there are two options:
1. You can bring your group to us to share in one of our two Full Seder Dinners being held on Good Friday, and again on the First Night of Passover a month later.
2. We will send you recipes and give you the assistance you need to organize the Passover Seder hosted at your facility. Then one of our presenters will come and lead your church in the Seder. The Seder involves more work for your church, and lasts for two and a half to three hours; but it is a rich, meaningful experience that will not quickly be forgotten by those who participate.
Another possibility is for your church to host a partial Passover Seder. This is set up like the full Passover Seder, but the actual meal is not served. Only the symbolic elements (matzah, bitter herbs, wine or grape juice, etc.) are served and eaten. This involves much less work, and takes about one-and-a-half hours.
Consider having a Jesus in the Jewish Holidays presentation. This presentation is an explanation of the holidays found in Leviticus 23. A table is set with elements representing each of the seven holidays. Each holiday is explained and shown to be a prophecy that is fulfilled in the New Testament and reveals God’s prophetic plan to redeem humanity.
If you would like to invite us to come speak, please fill out this form below: