
This week’s Torah portion is entitled Pinchas, which describes Israel’s sin with the Moabites, followed by the quick action of Phinehas, who stopped the plague upon Israel, which took the lives of 24,000 Israelis.

Chapter twenty-five begins with Moab sending beautiful women to entice Israeli men to join in their idolatrous sacrifices, and God’s fury and judgment of death, poured out on their community, especially on the leaders responsible for such debauchery. Israel betrayed Adonai, the One True, and Faithful God, who’d chosen them as His own, and freed them from Egyptian slavery. They chose false gods to satisfy their sexual appetites, and pleasures, as substitutes for God. If you allow your emotions and appetites to govern your behavior, rather than the Spirit, you are traveling a dangerous path.

The chapter continues, as Adonai praises Pinchas’ quick action of putting Zimri, and Cozbi to death. His decisive action calmed Adonai’s wrath and the plague was stopped. Because Pinchas acted with courage, and zeal for God’s righteousness, Adonai declared that his action was righteous, and established a perpetual covenant of the priesthood with him and his lineage (Ps.106:30-31). He later commanded Moses to destroy the Midianites for their deception, and seduction of Israel.

In chapter twenty-six God commands Moses and Eleazar the priest, to take a census of Israel’s men from twenty years and older, to confirm their military strength, for war against Midian and the coming conquest of Canaan. Tribal leaders were responsible to record these names. The Lord would later instruct Moses to distribute the land as an inheritance to each tribe, proportionately, according to their size, with the location determined by casting lots.

The Levites were not given a portion of land, Adonai stating that He Himself was their inheritance. He would allow them the privilege to serve Him by assisting the Priests, and sharing the sacrifices, and tithes that Israel presented (Deut. 18:1-2). And, they will live throughout forty-eight assigned cities, which will fulfill Jacob’s prophecy of their being scattered in Israel (Gen. 35:1-5). The spreading out of the Levites across the nation will provide a better opportunity to instruct Israel in the Law, and influence them to be faithful to Adonai.

In chapter twenty-seven Zelophehad’s five daughters presented the case for their inheritance to Moses and Eleazar the priest. Their father died in the wilderness, had no sons, and was not among Korah’s rebellious following. They believed that the conventional law of inheritance was biased, and asked Moses, Eleazar, the tribal leaders, and the community to consider changing it. They wanted their share of their Father’s inheritance, which was an indication of their faith in Adonai’s promise.

Moses, true to form, wisely presented the matter to the Lord. God agreed with the sisters, and decreed that a deceased father with no sons could leave his inheritance to his daughters, and that if there were no son or daughter, his inheritance could be given to his nearest male relative.

The chapter concludes with God’s appointment of Joshua, the son of Nun, a man full of His Spirit, to become the new leader of Israel.

Chapters twenty-eight and twenty-nine outline in detail God’s appointed times to meet with Israel. His commands were to be followed exactly as He’d instructed Moses, with no deviations. The priests were to sacrifice an unblemished male lamb every morning and evening, with additional sacrifices of two unblemished male lambs on Sabbath, which is His holy day, from the beginning (Gen.2:3).

Sabbath, Passover, Pentecost, the Festival of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Festival of Booths are the LORD’S appointed times to meet His people. They are His Holy Days! Israel would begin them in the LORD, and end them in Him.

The ceremonies took time, and the people prepared themselves for worship. They set aside time to celebrate Adonai, their Protector, Sustainer, and Redeemer. We must intentionally prepare our hearts, when coming before Him. We must express gratitude for who He is, what He has done, and what He’s going to do. Yes, they began their day with atonement and sacrifices for their sins, but ended it with a deeper devotion to the Lord. Their relationship to God was characterized by their faith and obedience to Him.

Why were Israel’s appointed times so important? Because Adonai was teaching a new generation of Israelis, that their relationship with Him was the most important part of their lives, and their possession of the Promised Land.

These holidays and sacrifices to the LORD revealed Israel’s dedication and obedience to Him. We should be thankful that the ancient sacrificial system has been fulfilled by Yeshua, our Lord and Savior! Today we can offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Adonai through Yeshua our Messiah (1-Peter 2:5).

Closing thoughts:

From the beginning, Satan has used cunning and deceit to manipulate and take over the hearts and minds of those who are unaware of his schemes. Allowing themselves to be governed by their emotions or their physical appetites, many wander away from God’s protection, and are easily enticed into ungodly living and false teaching.

Israel was lured into sexually immoral and idolatrous behavior with the women of Moab and Midian. 24,000 Israeli men died, and even more would have died, but for Pinchas’ quick action, which pleased God. He acted with righteous motives for God’s Holy Name, which stopped the plague. We must learn from this tragedy to be on our guard spiritually.

Today’s culture is filled with godless paths; enticements to lure us into false teaching, false promises of happiness, wealth, power, and so-called ‘love’. We need to be reminded that we’re engaged in a spiritual war; righteousness versus unrighteousness. We are as vulnerable to sin as Israel was. But just as God restored them to their right place, He will also restore us to a place of intimate fellowship with Him, when we humble ourselves through His Holy Spirit.