Re’eh – “See”

Today’s Parasha is titled “Re eh”, which means “to see”. This Torah portion, from Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17, describes a blessing and a curse from God.  In chapter 11:26 – 28, God says, “see, I am setting before you a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord…” God states that those who are being blessed will be on Mount Gerizim and those who are being cursed will be on Mount Ebal. He is telling this to the Israelis before they cross the Jordan into the Promised Land.

In Deuteronomy, chapter 12, the Lords tells us of the designated place of worship. First, He tells us to destroy all the worship places of the nations the Israelis are conquering and destroy all their images, altars, and pillars. God tells us we need to seek the one place that the Lord will choose to put His name and make His habitation there.

In verse 5: “There you shall go. You are to bring all you’re offering; sacrifices tithes and the firstborn of your herd and flock, and you shall eat before the Lord your God and you shall rejoice and you and your household and all that you undertake in which the Lord your God has blessed you.”

The Three-in-One God tells us where He wants us to go, what to bring and that we should rejoice.  He explains where to worship, He tells us what to bring: our tithes, talents, and treasures. He tells us to rejoice and praise His name and give Him glory. Is this not what we do today? We come to bring our tithes, worship, and God’s Holy Word is brought to us.

After God tells us of blessings, He reminds us of curses–not to follow the ways of today where everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes. We all tend to do this. We justify what we want to do as if it is of God. God reminds us of this several times in these passages. When presenting these offerings, we are also to bring our sons and daughters, male and female servants, and the Levite that is within the towns since he has no portion of inheritance. All these “things” we bring to Him are what He has bestowed on us; therefore, they are His – we are His.

The great I Am reminding us about idolatry – to stay away from it and the nations that we conquer. To not get ensnared in the ways of the people of these lands but destroy their gods so we do not look to them with a wanton curiosity to be tempted, to stumble and take our eyes off of the Almighty. Adonai tells us that these people who serve other idols also burn their sons/daughters in the fire to their gods – an abomination that the Creator would never tolerate. God affirms the sanctity of life – a reminder that Adonai would never accept abortion under any circumstance.

Everything the Lord has commanded us we should be careful to do. We should not add or take away from the warnings because our sinful nature inclines us to have control and power over our own lives and not submit to authority.

In Deuteronomy 13 God speaks of the false prophet. El Gabor, mighty God says not to listen to these words, and any person who is a false prophet should be put to death – because he has spoken rebellion against our Lord. Leaders bear a heavy burden – whether a prophet-pastor-preacher-Rabbi, teachers of the Law are to follow God’s Word and not mislead others because the penalty is severe.

Our Lord tells us in Matthew 18:6 – “…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin it would be better to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Brothers and sisters this is from our Messiah.

In Deuteronomy 14, the Lord explains clean and unclean food – he states that we are the sons of the Lord. Verse 2: “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God and the Lord has chosen you for his treasured possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.” Note that we are a treasured possession, not just a possession. This shows the love God has for us and why He was willing to sacrifice Yeshua for our sins to bring us back to the Fellowship where we have His grace-mercy-and forgiveness.

Our tithes are to be the firstborn of our herd (unblemished, perfect) – our first fruits – not the last of our fruit. Our tithes come first.  Brothers and sisters to be more explicit for you and me, when we receive the check for the work we do, we are to put aside our tithe first.

In Deuteronomy 16, the Almighty commands us to observe Passover, the month of Nissan and to keep the Passover to the Lord. The perfect Lamb is our Lord Yeshua Hamashiach, our Messiah. In these Passovers before the Messiah came, the lamb was a temporary sacrifice, but in Yeshua we have a permanent sacrifice, a one-time guarantee to all who follow the Lord in the name of Yeshua and know He is Lord and that we will dwell with him eternally. Shavuot, Sukkot and Passover were the holidays that were to be observed.  Messiah would return on Passover, the curtain would be torn from top to bottom, thus giving us access to the God the Most High. Praise God that He makes this provision in Yeshua for all Jews and Gentiles who Adonai Elohaynu chooses to bless.

In conclusion

  • Idolatry leads to a curse, captivity, and judgment
  • Response to the love of God equals obedience and obedience to God equals blessing.
  • He reminds us to bring our first fruits, our tithe to Him. Brothers and sisters it is important for us to remember that all of our fruits come from God,
  • EL Elyon, the God most high reminds us of the value he puts on life he calls us His treasured possession, and that we are to be holy set apart.
  • And he condemns as an abomination when idol worshipers sacrifice their children which we do today and call it abortion.
  • There is also reminder to be wary of the false prophets who are among us, those that teach things contrary to Scripture. Rabbi always reminds us if the literal truth makes sense seek no other sense or you get nonsense.

Brothers and Sisters, may we hate what God hates and love what God loves.